Monthly Archives: April 2016


Office deco for translators

Do you sometimes feel your office space a little drab and uninspiring? I certainly do. I spend so many hours working there that a) I get bored with it b) it gets so cluttered I can’t breathe c) I start to hate it! After following all the tips on how to detox my office I decided…

10 reasons why I love blogging

Why do we love blogging so much? And is the death of blogging nearer than ever or should the Cassandras of this world stop predicting this unlikely possibility? Here are 10 reasons I love blogging (almost) as much as reading : It is a fantastic form of expression. It is a little bit like having your own column…


5 tips for finding (and keeping) inspiration

When I joined the Creative Superheroes group on Facebook, I thought that it would be a nice place for ideas and maybe a few tips on blogging. What I didn’t know was that it would be a FUN place to hang out, reading advice, discovering beautiful blogs and interesting people, all with Allison’s quirky and fun way!…

Comfort Books and Comfort Food

Sometimes I really need some me time with a (good) book, a  (crispy) glass of wine and a (hearty) bowl of something delicious to keep me company. I can be very anxious at times with or without reason and I have found that this combination helps me relax and unwind. So as I have been…


The fault in our stars illustrated

I loved reading The Fault In Our Stars and I know many of you have as well. I don’t know what it is with this book, it is overly sad and painful, however it seems to have touched and inspired so many people! I often come across beautiful illustrations of various quotes from the book…


The soundtrack of translation

While I was translating the fourth book in the Selection series, The Heir, by Kiera Cass,  I have been listening to various tracks, depending on the mood of the book and the narrative pace. It really helps me create an atmosphere and I feel its a nice way for my translation will be in harmony with…

How to begin your career in translation
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How to begin your career in translation