Monthly Archives: July 2016


What I learnt at my first job!

At my first job, after my postgraduate studies, I had a colleague called Olga. Her surname, age etc. are not significant here but she was one of the kindest people I have ever met and  thinking of her I would like to talk about the kindness of people who have nothing to gain from helping you….

cookbook design More

How to publish a cook-book

Inspired by my talk with Nadia, over at @greenrootskitchen, a personal chef and vegan enthusiast. So you’ve got a few cool recipes, an audience with raving reviews of your food – an idea about a book has been forming, and it has got you thinking, “Oh well this could be something great, but how on…


Dear Reader…

My dear readers! I’d love it if you could devote just a few minutes of your time to help me decide on some changes I was thinking of doing to my blog 🙂 I’m sending you my thanks along with a big hug and a juicy summer smoothie 🙂 [polldaddy poll=9482600] [polldaddy poll=9482603] That’s it!…

How to make your own blog in 5 steps

I can’t stop saying how much I love blogging! If you are reading your favorite blogs and would like to have your own but don’t know where to start I’m here to tell you its easier than you think! I’ll give you some basic steps and I promise that it gets easier the more you work on…

How to begin your career in translation
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How to begin your career in translation