
ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ – Ο Καββαδίας διαπλέει την υδρόγειο – βιβλία + ιδέες

Από τη Μελβούρνη, το Χονγκ Κονγκ, το Κολόµπο, το Aντεν, τη Βηρυτό και την Αλεξάνδρεια ως τη Γένοβα, τη Μασσαλία και το Κάρντιφ: ο Νίκος Καββαδίας διαπλέει την υδρόγειο (αλλάζοντας κάθε τόσο καράβι) και γράφει θερµά γράµµατα στην αδελφή του Τζένια και την κόρη της Ελγκα (τη λατρευτή του ανιψιά), για να µεταδώσει στην αθηναϊκή…

Book Trailers

Reading this post in Lifo I couldn’t help but think of all the book trailers i’ve seen and enjoyed: whether publishing house- or fan-made, some of them manage to truly convey the book’s message (without spoilers) and some of them don’t. Here are some of them: VIVALDI’S VIRGINS [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR5I8tMs5Qs] INCARCERON: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3N9QyolxGY&feature=player_embedded] TORMENT (2nd IN FALLEN SERIES): [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzH1AH2KRKs] I…


Each night when 16 year-old London Lane goes to sleep, her whole world disappears. In the morning, all that’s left is a note telling her about a day she can’t remember. The whole scenario doesn’t exactly make high school or dating that hot guy whose name she can’t seem to recall any easier. But when…

Blood Red Road – The translator’s work

 Blood Red Road is my last translation project: Saba has spent her whole life in Silverlake, a dried-up wasteland ravaged by constant sandstorms. The Wrecker civilization has long been destroyed, leaving only landfills for Saba and her family to scavenge from. That’s fine by her, as long as her beloved twin brother Lugh is around. But…

I have recently read (and loved) Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, a highly violent and addictive adventure which can be read by young (or not) adults. It was a book I literally couldn’t put down before I finished it – I took it to friends’ houses, the beach, even to a restaurant! And all this…

New book announced in Lauren Kate’s Fallen series!!!

After publishing Passion, a few months earlier (see trailer below), Random House has announced the acquisition of another book, named Fallen In Love, which will precede the programmed fourth book, Rapture. See here for the announcement and a lovely tour in the world of Fallen Angels: http://www.randomhouse.com/teens/fallen/home.php See the trailer for PASSION here: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uVB1AdvvV4I] Lauren Kate’s…

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